On this week's blog we are going to talk about an important topic when searching for homes. As you look at homes with your agent, you may have some thoughts, input, or feedback regarding each property. It can feel a little uncomfortable sometimes to comment on someone else's home, especially if the feedback is a dislike. Feedback is important to sellers in any market. Just like we have people proof emails before we hit send, feedback gives sellers another set of eyes on their property. Your feedback may bring light to something the sellers never saw. Our team leader, Brian Leonhardt, has a great story on this very topic.  

Brian was showing a home to some of his buyers early on in his career. The buyer's liked the home, but didn't like the pool in the backyard. He left feedback regarding the pool but didn't think anything would come of it. Who would get rid of a functioning pool? Certainly, other buyers would appreciate the amenity.

To his surprise, the listing agent called and told him they can get rid of the pool if you write an offer! "That was the one thing that I never thought was even an option!" says Brian while telling the story, "Always giving the opportunity to keep the conversation going is one of the most important things you can do to help in selling homes and buying homes." 

So, what does that mean for buyers? If you have the opportunity to give feedback to sellers regarding the property, take the time to do so. Communicate your thoughts both positive and negative to your agent. Your agent will provide these details to the listing agent and this will help the sellers significantly. Even if you are not the right buyer for the home, your feedback is valuable. If there are things about the home that don't suit your preferences but you still like the home, don't be afraid to ask you agent to discuss these items with the listing agent. The worst thing they could say no! Keep the conversation going! 

If you are a seller, be sure to read and discuss feedback from potential buyers with your agent. Feedback from buyers is valuable, even if they are not the right buyers for you. Keep an open mind when reading feeback as well. If there are small repairs or changes that could be done to help attract potential buyers, talk about them with your agent. An inexpensive repair or change to the home may results in a successful closing and happy new homeowner! 

Moral of the story: Communication is the backbone of the buying and selling process. Take the time to have the conversation. Be honest with your feedback and keep an open mind! 

Have you ever had something similar happen to you? We would love to hear your story! Send us a message!