Spend your money wisely when it comes to updates and repairs. A few dollars and your own labor can go a long way to making a big difference. 


Just trimming trees and bushes can make your home more welcoming. Everyone loves the look of flower beds, seasonal flowers, and fresh mulch. Some other easy and inexpensive fixes you can make are cleaning windows or a fresh coat of paint. The objective is to make a great first impression with a fresh and clean look. A majority of sellers spend less than $500 and take about 1-4 weeks on average to complete any exterior improvements. 


A fresh coat of paint can completely change the feel of any space from "eh" to "ahh". There are a few high-impact updates that might be worth considering for your home depending on its condition, price point, and competition. We can help you determine if any of these popular updates are right for your property.  

Most Common Updates


One in three sellers know there's a problem that is bound to come up under inspection, such as leaky faucet, stuck window, or worn shingles. It can be a good idea to make these kinds of repairs before putting the house on the market. 

Top Three Repairs

Are you looking to do some imporvements on your home but not sure where to start? Get in touch with our team. We would be happy to help you make some decisions on updates and repairs to add value to your home!